Teachers, renters, home studio & brick-and-mortar owners


in your fitness business

join OUR coaching team for seven days of tackling your biz struggles.


September 2024

Are you feeling stuck in your fitness business, or that you just need to work more hours and get more clients? Are you afraid of your clients going on vacation during the summer, or are struggling to take a day off for you? Maybe you wonder if you will never not worry about your income, your business... or you keep trying out the stuff you see others doing, but really it's just making you work more, and not make more money or time for yourself.

If you keep convincing yourself that just getting one more certification is going to make the clients roll in... Were any of us ever trained on how to run a business when we became a teacher?

I know I wasn't!

And I've felt every bit of the above in my business teaching career.

But we can tell you from experience and coaching over 1200 business in the past 10 years that having CLARITY around who you are and how you help people is the FIRST step towards having a profitable business.

In our 7 day mini version of our coaching group, AGENCY, we will cover the first of five steps to growing your business. We will help you figure out how much you should be charging so you don't have to guess, help you create that clarity about exactly how you help people and still have a life, and answer any other question you have around your business.

So that you can do more of what you love - TEACH!

xx-Lesley Logan

xx-Lesley Logan

Bring yourself and your ideas...



How Much Should You Charge

Starting with your "Magic Number" we'll dig deep into products, pricing, and how to make sure you make more than a living teaching fitness.


Exactly Who You Are For

Not all clients are the "right" clients for us. Your experience, your passion, and the problem YOU solve will help you determine who you love to teach.


Any Other Biz Question You Have

We pride ourselves on transparency. Ask any question & we'll share our experience and training. Websites? Teams? Hiring? Firing? Marketing? Let's talk.

Clarity will help you take action!


(It doesn't have to be this way...)

I'm feeling stuck!

I just don't understand. I must not have that magic spark that I need to be a successful entrepreneur.

I'm making the same money I was six months ago.

I know there's money to be made... why can't I grow my business?

Nothing I do changes where I'm at.

I'm so frustrated! I keep seeing others succeeding online but it's not working for me.

I'm teaching the same clients over and over again.

Why can't I get new clients? What am I doing wrong?

I thought it would be more fun.

I got into working for myself to have a flexible life, but all I do is work, work, work.

I'm so burnt out. I'm done.

I feel like I spend so much time doing admin and bookkeeping and social media... I'm not even enjoying teaching anymore.

It's time to work on your business instead of only working in your business.

Lesley Logan of Profitable Pilates

Lesley Logan, founder of Profitable Pilates


When I first started teaching I was willing to take every single client that came my way. I was working all the time. I was starting to burn out.

I didn't have a firm grasp of the life I wanted for myself, my monetary goals, what clients I wanted to teach, who would want to work with me... I was getting by on client referrals.

The day I had a panic attack while driving home I realized things needed to change.

Together, Brad and I mapped out my income, figured out exactly the problem I solved, who I was for, and how to share my journey with them.

I fired some old clients, raised my rates, found some new clients, and am so much happier for it.

And, I've been coaching people through it ever since!



The 5 Steps To Growing Your Business


the problem you solve, who you want to teach, how to share your story


building an audience


generating a list


from readers to shoppers


growing, scaling, and more

Coming this September 2024


You'll have direction!

Before you leave you’ll have a tangible plan, a series of next-steps, a path for you to take. No more wondering what is priority.

Rejection will feel less personal

Trust me, I know… it’s hard not to take it personally when you don’t get the response you want. But using our process will change that!

Feel More in Control

You’ll know who you want to reach, how you’ll connect with them, what they’ll get and why they’ll want it.


Have more Clarity

Instead of throwing up your hands and writing the whole thing off, you’ll be able to decipher where the breakdown is in your process.


AGENCY MINI: Made my life so much easier | Profitable Pilates

Mindi Westfall

Nicole Field

Jackie Hinton

Kathryn Donnelly

Jessica Schmidley

Amanda Burke

Plus a whole lot more... (seriously, so many the page wouldn't load)


A week of fitness business coaching with Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell.

Coming this September 2024. Join us from anywhere in the world (replays available).

Lesley lives in Las Vegas, so we will operate in PT time zone.


  • • 7 days of full access group coaching with Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell in a private Facebook Group. No question is off-limits!
  • • 1 live webinar (with a 3 day replay)
  • • 1 live group call (access to the replay)
  • • Free access to our proprietary Magic Number Calculator

About the webinar

Growing Your Business in 2024

We are living and leading in during an unprecedented time. It’s easy in times like these where there is fear and unknown to be reactive. To make decisions about your business that can actually hurt you for the future rather than set you up. In this webinar, we will cover how to be proactive, survive, and thrive in 2024 and beyond. We will cover charging your worth, offerings both in-studio and online, and how to make your business work for you. There will be time for Q & A after. Bring your goals, your vision, dreams, and let’s help you take them and recreate how you run your business during this unprecedented time.

About the group call

Get Your Questions Answered

Every other month we have a Group Call in AGENCY. All members are invited to jump on and ask any question they may have about wherever they are in their business. It always becomes an incredible brainstorming session for all of those who attend, as you get to see yourself in the shoes of the person asking the question and garner amazing ideas that you could apply to your own. We’re going to host one of these only for MINI members, so bring your burning business (or life) questions to the call! We cover everything from strategy and tactical, to mental and mindset.

Plus, we’ve got a special surprise for you at the end of the group call…

Not in our time zone? Not to worry. We’ve got replays for you, and you can jump into the group chat whenever is convenient for you.


Spots are limited, reserve your spot today.

Save 92%

YOUR COST: $62.50

($806.25 overall value)

Lesley, Brad and Erika will be chatting with each of you in our private FB group. There is only so much time in the day, so spots are limited!

Secure your spot before end of the day (date to be decided) to get this early bird rate.

*Agency MINI is not for former Agency members. If you would like to join AGENCY again, please chat to us.


We know investing in yourself can be scary (we've spent tens of thousands of dollars on ourselves over the years.) And maybe you've spent time and money in the past on other events without seeing the results you wanted. This won't be like that, let me assure you.

A weekend like this, if we offered it one-on-one, would cost $806.25... but by creating a group setting we can host it for far less.

You could do this on your own...


It would be much SLOWER

We believe in you! You totally could figure all of this out on your own... but you will be delaying the income you can make, the lives you can change.

You'll miss the SHARED experience

There is POWER in being in a live "room" with people. Hang out with others who GET IT - the pressure, the stress, growth, the wins!


No Instant Access

... to the experts working with you on your products, your customer journey, your fitness business roadmap.

Imagine three full-time coaches in your corner answering any biz question you have.


  • I've been to business workshops before, how is this any different?
  • I don't have the TIME to chat to people all week.
  • I wish I had the money to do this...
  • I'm just not ready for this in my business yet...

I promise you - you've never been to a fitness business workshop like this before. Imagine a business that works for you instead of you working for it.

The two live events will have replays, so don't worry about time zones. Join us live if you can.

We are literally speeding up time for you - learn from our (costly) mistakes. And, this is a tax write off!

If you are feeling STUCK in your business right now, this week is for you no matter when you started or how "far along" you are.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I guarantee I get a spot?
Simple! Just sign up! (Click here.)

Spots are limited as there are only 3 coaches available during this week, so don’t wait to reserve your spot now.

Is the event virtual or in-person?

It’s all virtual, but also a combination of live events, replays, and chat.

February 11 – 1.5 hour live webinar (replay available for 3 days)

February 15 – 1.5 hour live group call on zoom (replay available for 3 days)

24/7 CHAT available in our private FB Group during the week of the event.

What can I expect during the 7-day event?
SUNDAY – we’ll host a live webinar (don’t worry, you’ll have the replay for 4 days)

MONDAY – we’ll ask you to post some homework from the webinar into our private FB Group, and our Agency Coaches will be chatting back to you.

TUESDAY – you’ll have time to read through the FB Group, reading others questions, asking your own, and generally connecting.

WEDNESDAY – the webinar replay will close at the end of the day, so don’t wait to watch it!

THURSDAY – we’ll host a live group call on Zoom. Everyone is welcome to attend and ask their questions live. Lesley, Brad and Erika will be there live.

FRIDAY – we’ll still be in the FB Group answering your questions.

SATURDAY – you’ll have until the end of the day to watch the Group Call replay and get any last minute questions answered before the FB Group closes and the event is over!

Omg I can't go... will you be doing another one?
Oh yes. We run Agency MINI twice each year (and have been doing so for years!)

However, WHY WAIT? You’ll just be postponing the Clarity you absolutely must have to create a foundation for your messaging, your business. Even if you can’t join us live for the events, trust us, this is 100% worth it. The mindset, the strategy, the CLARITY you’re going to gain this week will change the way you think about your business. That’s something we can guarantee.

If you are 1000% sure that you can’t go and you want to know about the next round of Agency MINI, join the waiting list here.


Omg I can't go... will you be doing another one?
Oh yes. We run Agency MINI twice each year (and have been doing so for years!)

However, WHY WAIT? You’ll just be postponing the Clarity you absolutely must have to create a foundation for your messaging, your business. Even if you can’t join us live for the events, trust us, this is 100% worth it. The mindset, the strategy, the CLARITY you’re going to gain this week will change the way you think about your business. That’s something we can guarantee.

If you are 1000% sure that you can’t go and you want to know about the next round of Agency MINI, join the waiting list here.


What is this Magic Number Calculator you speak of?
Years ago, after Lesley made the decision to leave her full-time corporate fitness management and teacher training gig, we sat down and took a long hard look at the numbers.

In the process we figured out a pretty straight forward formula that will help you determine exactly how much you should be charging, so you can get paid for your sick days and vacation time.

Gain the freedom of knowing you can CHOOSE to turn down a client, because you know you’re already hitting your numbers.

Check out our Magic Number Calculator by clicking here.

I don't live in Las Vegas; I can't join the Webinar or Group Call live...
While we absolutely would love to have you join us live, we 100% understand that time zones just complicate things.

If you can’t join us live, don’t worry, because we’ll have replays!

You can watch the Webinar and Group Call for days after we go live.

But don’t wait to watch… the webinar will close before the group call starts, and the group call closes at the end of the week.

That said, join us for MINI and get all your biz questions answered!

I just started teaching, is this program for me?
100% yes – this program is perfect for you and even those who haven’t finished their teacher training program yet!

I saw this because the sooner you understand how to make money, how to get clients, how to share your story, the sooner you’ll feel confident in your income, your time, your business.

We have had plenty of people exactly in your shoes join Agency MINI and succeed!

My business is a small home studio with only a few clients. Should I join?
Yes, yes, yes! While you may consider your business “just a small one” because you only have room in your schedule for a half dozen or so clients, that doesn’t mean you’re not still running a full fledged business.

Agency MINI will change the way you think about your income, can answer all those questions about how to rent from yourself, what insurance to get… all the things.

Plus, if you need to make more money but you already have a full schedule, what do you do? Let’s talk about it! We’ve helped hundreds of home studio owners in Ageny MINI.

I want to start an online program. Can you help?
Oh yes, we can help.

Obviously, you’re on our ProfitablePilates.com website, but we’ve also started two additional membership sites (one big, one small.)

Brad used to own a web development company and built lots of membership sites for his former clients, and brought all of that expertise to the coaching team here in Agency.

Erika has built and coached people through online course websites.

Lesley is a social media marketing queen…

And, we’re transparent about everything we’ve learned and experienced. Ask away during Agency MINI!

I don't have a FB account, can I still do MINI?

Absolutely! We will provide you with a link where you can view all the live replays via our website.

We created Agency MINI because nothing like this existed when we were getting started, and we know this will entirely change how you think about your business.

This is a unique, customized week of fitness business coaching, strategy, and planning, geared specifically for you, a fitness business owner.

We strongly believe that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. This is not a series of templates and formulas that we give you, you change to your name, and you copy/paste. That stuff rarely works. 

We want you to GROW your business. We want you to continue to help those you are helping. We want you to truly reach your people. You know your clients best.

Changing how you think and what you do are the two things we have control of in our business. This week will stay with you for years to come, impacting far more than just you and your clients.

"You're the only one who can do what you do the way that you do it." -Lesley Logan


Coming this September 2024

Virtually (replays available of the two live events)

Brad Crowell and Lesley Logan Profitable Pilates


Lesley Logan, a certified Pilates teacher, habits, mindset, and breathwork coach, fell in love with Pilates after her first 100! From side-hustle to full time, she jumped from teacher to manager to running multiple studios. She wrote a book that focused on the business of Pilates, which grew into ProfitablePilates.com and is now a business coaching program called Agency. Later she created OnlinePilatesClasses.com, which includes the first free online catalog of Pilates video tutorials. When not in Las Vegas she travels, leading workshops and retreats around the world. Connect with LL on IG @lesley.logan & @profitablepilates


An enthusiastic and charismatic team leader, Brad Crowell is the CEO of As The Crows Fly, the parent company of brands such as OnlinePilatesClasses.com, Profitable Pilates, Be It Till You See It (a podcast by Lesley Logan,) Crows Nest Cambodia, and more. Brad’s 15 years of entrepreneurial and tech startup experience have helped the company introduce digital and physical products, including memberships, courses, retreats, workshops, and pop-up tours. His background in sales and operations allowed him to grow a team of 4 up to 15 inside of a year to support the growth of the company, and their internationally distributed Pilates flashcards. Brad can be found coaching alongside Lesley in Agency, a fitness business mastermind.

Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell Profitable Pilates